- Document ID: 9754237
- Document Collection: Nummern-Namen-Kartei Buchenwald (Maenner)
- Link to Online Archive: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/9754237
According to https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/6160434 375 is the correct number.
For the description „Ohrdr. Blech“ I selected Ohrdruf in the menu, could also have selected Blech.
Edit: after reading [Nummern-Namen-Kartei Männer Buchenwald - Part 12] 9754248 I added both „Ohrdruf“ and „Blech“ with prisoner number 1375
Question: I could not find any information about a subcamp called „Blech“. Was it a codename or part of Ohrdruf camp?
There are also cards with different numbers for Ohrdruf and Blech, which makes it even more confusing.
So far I was thinking that it might be short for Blechhammer, an Auschwitz subcamp: https://www.auschwitz.org/en/history/auschwitz-sub-camps/blechhammer/
In zooniverse I came across this document: Zooniverse
Which refers to: EHRI - Arbeiten der Häftlingsschreibstube (Arbeitsanweisungen).
saying „The transports always stay together and are given a prisoner number; for large transports, a temporary Blech number is issued“
Perhaps someone from Arolsen is able and has time to give a hint?
I have consulted my colleagues again regarding the entry ‘Ohrdruf Blech’.
In such cases, please include the corresponding number with ‘unclear’ as detention details.
I am sorry for the confusion.
The abbreviation ‘Blech.’ actually stands for issued Blech (tin) numbers.
Have a good start to the week,
ich habe betreffend der Angabe „Ohrdruf Blech.“ nochmal Rücksprache mit meinen Kolleginnen gehalten.
Bitte nehmt in solchen Fällen die dazugehörige Nummer mit „unklar“ als Angabe zur Inhaftierung auf.
Entschuldigt die dahingehende Verwirrung.
Die Abkürzung „Blech.“ steht tatsächlich für ausgegebene Blechnummern.
Ich wünsche einen schönen Start in die Woche,