- Document ID: 9737007
- Document Collection: Nummern-Namen-Kartei Buchenwald (Maenner)
- Link to Online Archive: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/9737007
unclear dates of birth, see below
In the Arolsen online archive I found:
Fajwel SLOWIK, born in Zambrów (Poland) on 13.11.1913 (?)
He did not return.
Filip SLOWIK/SLOVIK, date of birth: 01.03.1913 (typo?), place of birth: "Sambrow/„Samborow“
same Buchenwald number 123546, interned in Mittelbau/Dora (no 109351)
(Maybe this is him too?)
Could this be him too?
Feiwel SŁOWIK, born in Zambrow on 01.11.1913
(same Auschwitz number 89981) Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database -- Feiwel Słowik