- Document ID: 9726196
- Document Collection: Nummern-Namen-Kartei Buchenwald (Maenner)
- Link to Online Archive: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/9726196
Meier FRIEDMANN, b. 15.03.1901
#Latvian #Jew
Arrested 15.11.1943 in Riga (date mistakenly recorded as 1944 on some documents)
In Stutthof from 09.08.19 with prisoner nr 58822
In Buchenwald from 16.08.1944 with prisoner nr 82193 (from 08.09.1944 in subcamp Wille)
Transfered to Bergen-Belsen on 08.03.1945 (death walk ?)
His fate beyond that point remains unclear
No data found in YadVashem or USHMM databases
The son of Schmul (decesed 1901) and Sara née Meler (deceased 1912)
The husband of Edith née Jakobsohn.