- Document ID: do_Pa5p8ddEgxRRmvDTcr7SH
- Document Collection: 7-8-1- Instytut Pamieci Narodowej (IPN) Sig. 781000007 „Kartei Dachau“
doubts place of birth:
I entered „Wittenheim, Ess.“
According to the sources below he was born in Koźmin, Poland.
„Wittenheim, Elsass“ ( today Wittenheim, dép. Haut-Rhin, France) is said to be his place of residence.
Marian Aleksander KRUPINSKI (born 06.12.1909), a Polish priest, was imprisoned in 1940 in France, and on June 20, 1941 transported to the Dachau concentration camp, where he was murdered - subjected to torture and killed by injection. (source, with photo and more info)