[Kartei der polnischen Häftlinge aus dem Konzentrationslager Dachau (übergeben vom Instytut Pamięci Narodowej)] 134813062

  • Document ID: 134813062
  • Document Collection: 7-8-1- Instytut Pamieci Narodowej (IPN) Sig. 781000007 „Kartei Dachau“

Discussion Question

first name - admitting office

doubts first name:
I entered „Rafał“ (= Polish variant of Raphael). His other documents read „Stefan“ and he also signs as such. (exception this one = „Ignaz“)

unclear admitting office
looks like Poznańsk-x (from Poznán/Posen?)
Here his POR reads Chodżiez (from 1939 – 1945 named Kolmar in Posen/Poznán)
also see here

Stefan (Rafal ?) KOSTRZEWA, born in Ujście, Poland (former German name Usch) on 24.12.1899.
He returned.

