[Häftlingspersonalkarten Verschiedene Lager Basics] 134625829

  • Document ID: 134625829
  • Document Collection: 7-13-1 National Archives of the Czech Republic

Discussion Question

Alois Pipka

impossible to find cards in arolsen archives. ( It’s very strange)

Ich verstehe nicht ganz, warum nur ein Name aus der Kartei aufgeführt ist. Ok, den Namen lese ich. Aber was ist die Frage? Welche Diskussion soll stattfinden?

1 „Gefällt mir“

Hello @dertinger, I always check the Arolsen On line file, to check if there is more information about the prisoner, and I always find it. But not this time. I wrote it as a concern in case another volunteer finds more data. Thanks for asking

Hello #patagonia56, great that you are doing the work. We can only benefit from that. Thank you. :+1:

1 „Gefällt mir“

Thank you for encouraging me to continue the work! :slightly_smiling_face: