[Häftlingspersonalkarten Stutthof Basics] 133578547

  • Document ID: 133578547
  • Document Collection: 1-1-41-7 Dokumentation aus dem Archiv des Museum Stutthof

Discussion Question

Stira Marcinsky #lithuanian

Here name possibly could be Marchunskey/Marchunski, this could be her husband „Haim Marchunskey was born in Lithuania in 1910 to Avraham and Khana. He was a painter of houses and married to Stira. Prior to WWII he lived in Kupishof, Lithuania. During the war he was in Lithuania. Haim was murdered in the Shoah (according to this source).“ - https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=903864&ind=1

And this could be her: Stera Machunsky Marchunsky was born in Lithuania. She was married to Khaim. Prior to WWII she lived in Kupiskis, Lithuania. During the war she was in Kupiskis, Lithuania. Stera was murdered in the Shoah (according to this source)." - https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=1664816&ind=1

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