[Häftlingspersonalkarten Stutthof Basics] 133567112

  • Document ID: 133567112
  • Document Collection: 1-1-41-7 Dokumentation aus dem Archiv des Museum Stutthof

Discussion Question

How do I know the difference between red and pink? Are there examples with the different colours?

Most of the triangles (when colored) are red. I have hardly seen any pink triangles so far. In the tool you will find the question „What are prisoner categories and triangles?“ under „Info“. There is also a link to a board on which all the colored triangles are shown.

Actually, if I had not seen pink triangles in other workflows, I would also have doubts whether this is really a red one. Perhaps a pink one could be added to the overview for people to be sure?

We will do that if we find a pink triangle.

this is not the case in this document, but in others there is usually a (presumably) red stamp in the upper left corner, which, when faded, looks just as washed-out pink as the triangles and which can be used as a reference for red. i think this is a pretty good indicator that it is indeed a red triangle.

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