[Häftlingspersonalkarten Mauthausen Basics] 134414590

  • Document ID: 134414590
  • Document Collection: 1-1-26-8 H�ftlings-Personal-Karten Mauthausen

Discussion Question

In the summary of the document’s story, 1 prisoner number appears and I wrote three adding +

is this ok?

i think in case of doubt, the more the better. due to the multiple transfers to different camps, prisoner numbers were sometimes assigned more than once. i think and hope that the additional numbers were also saved, even if only one appears in the summary. i have also noticed this error in the overview, but i have not yet seen any official information about it in the forum.

sometimes additional numbers are also listed in the „Bes. Kennzeichen“ line.

You don’t have to worry about your input not being saved. We take all the information and especially several prisoner numbers are very important. In the summary only one information is used for reasons of clarity.

Thanks to both of you for the responses. :slightly_smiling_face: