Eustachijus Banys #lith

  • Document ID: 13804748a
  • Document Collection: DP3 of CNI - Central Name Index

Discussion Question

Eustachijus Banys #lith.
Asked by @mally

Vermutung / assumption
Bitte um Aufnahme in den USA in der Zeitung Draugas - the Lithuania daily friend 19.10.1949

Request for admission to the USA in newspaper Draugas - the Lithuania daily friend 19.10.1949

Auswanderung in die USA 11.03.1950

Resettled USA 11.03.1950 (entry)

1 „Gefällt mir“

Eustachius Banys (1922 - 2003) - Genealogy

Eustachius “Stanley” Banys (1922-2003) - Find a Grave Memorial

1 „Gefällt mir“