[CLI Part 33] 132737999 - Magdalene Mundstein née Baumhorn


Discussion Question

#austrian - #jew
Asked by @routebleue

Magdalene / Maddalena / Magda MUNDSTEIN née BAUMHORN (07.01.1909 – 24.08. 1972)
her husband: Siegfried MUNDSTEIN (31.08. 1900 – 07.01.1976)
Their 2 sons: Walter (*05.03.1931) and Heinz Erich (*06.07.1932)
They were all born in Vienna.
Interned in Ferramonti Di Tarsia (Italy)
They returned.

(pdf) German exile in Ferramonti di Tarsia : stories of Jews fleeing Germany

Letter from Siegfried Mundstein to his wife, written in Dachau



Magdalene (Magdolna) (Sara) Munstein (Baumhorn) (1909 - 1972) - Genealogy
According to this source born in Cegléd, Hungary

She, her husband and two sons applied for emigration in Vienna in 1938:*

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