- Document ID: 132717415
- Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
- Link to Online Archive: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/132717415
Nathan BOXENBAUM-HOFMANN *24.12.1894
#belgian #jew @velthove1
His wife and two daughters were deported on the same Convoy (XXIIB) (1)
Wife: Ita Laja Boxenbaum née Hofmann
Deported on Convoy XXIIB
Transport list (n° 473):
Daughter: Liliane Boxenbaum (Boksenbaum)
Liliane Boksenbaum (1925-1943) - Find a Grave Memorial
Daughter: Yvette Boxenbaum (Boksenbaum)
Transport list (474-475)_
(1) Ita Boxenbaum and her two daughters were on the B-Liste, the list of Jews of Belgian nationality.
For the first time since the beginning of the war, the Germans started to deport Jews of Belgian nationality. On 20.07.1943, the Military Administration agreed to withdraw its protection that, up till then, had saved this Jews from deportation.
For the 145 Jews arrested in Antwerp, the journey to the Sammellager turned into a nightmare when the hermetically sealed lorry was opened in the Kazerne Dossin after a period of two hours. Nine of the passengers were found to have died from suffocation and a further 80 were unconscious on the floor.
Source: Mechelen-Auschwitz: de geschiedenis van de transporten 1942-1944”, door Maxime Steinberg en Laurence Schram geschreven, gepubliceerd in de vierdelige boeken reeks “Mechelen-Auschwitz”, VUB-Press, 2009