[CLI Part 28] do_k6V5Pjbm4BkaybdKvkXZC Thomas Drach


Discussion Question

Thomas DRACH

#germany POB: München
#holland POR

Thomas (Gideon) Drach

IDEA - ALM : Gideon Drach, a young Jewish man in the Netherlands, a member of the „Werkdorp“ (work village) in Wieringermeer and of the Westerweel group (infocenters.co.il)

Gideon Drach - Westerbork Portretten

De Palestina Pioniers van de Oosterparkstraat (joodsmonument.nl)

Hans Drach und seine Geschwister - Kreismuseum Wewelsburg

He emigrated to Palestina in 1948:


Wife: Margot Rosenthal
Margot Margalit Rosenthal - Drach | Knowledge base | Anne Frank House

Mother-in-law: Flora Rosenthal