[CLI Part 27] do_Ygpxza5ibRF9JfpFHxf5n


Discussion Question

Aron BULWA #polish #jew

Armand Bulwa was born in December 1929 in Piotrkow near Lodz (Poland), the son of Abraham and Esther Bulwa, and had a younger brother. They were locked up in the ghetto where most of his family (80 people) were murdered. Aron Bulwa stayed with an uncle. He was one of the 465 children evacuated from Buchenwald who arrived in France in 1945 and were taken in by the OSE.


Bulwa Armand (Aron) | Mémoires des déportations 1939 - 1945 (memoiresdesdeportations.org)


Armand, Aron Bulwa - Chap#1 -La jeunesse à Piotrkow | Grands Entretiens Patrimoniaux - Ina.fr



Vivre après les camps : rencontre avec Armand Bulwa, survivant du camp de Buchenwald (radiofrance.fr)


Mémorial de la Shoah | Boutique en ligne (memorialdelashoah.org)

Etre enfant à Buchenwald, un témoignage glaçant dans un livre fort – Les guerres d’hier au jour le jour (lunion.fr)