[CLI Part 26] do_vMrEPzYts6di9z6mGfhaz


Discussion Question

Jakob GIBER #jewish #polish

#typo DOB: should be 1904
#typo Country of last known address: should be Inzynierska 10

Jakob GIBER(I) (* 1904-12-17 in Warszaw; Survivor)

Son of Chil GOLDSCHWARZ (+ NLT 1949) and Hinda GIBER (+ NLT 1949).
Married to Rosa NADBORWA.

Living in Warsaw, Sliska 60, later Inzynierska 10.

Imprisoned in the Ghetto of Warsaw, deported to Landsberg, liberated in 1945.

He was living in Selb/Oberfranken, Freiheitsstraße 14, starting 1945-10-17.

Crossed (illegally) the French border in 1947.
Living later in 49 rue Volta, Paris 3e.

He emigrated 1949-04-14 from Marseille via Luciana Manara to Australia, together with his wife.


Rosa (Rozja) GIBER, née NADBORWA (NADBORNA) (* 1919-01-20 in Makow-Maz, Poland; Survivor), his wife

Daughter of Berek NADBORNY (+ NLT 1945) and Rywka NORDBORNA (+ NLT 1945).

Living with him in Selb/Oberfranken.
Emgirated with him to Australia.


Berche (Berek) NADBORNY (NADBORNI) (murdered), his wife’s father

Living in Makow Mazowiecki, Poland.
He was murdered (when and where unknown).
