- Document ID: do_ubdGjn9k5bj94ifFe3xtK
- Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
- Link to Online Archive: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/document/132384037
#poland POB: Płock
#france POR; deported from
Plock, Poland (Page 427) (jewishgen.org)
Hersz Russak, Dr., was a graduate of the Jewish Gymnasium. He finished his studies of medicine in France, shortly before the outbreak of World War II. He was imprisoned by the Nazis in 1941 and was locked at a concentration camp in France. This was until 1942, when he was transferred with the other prisoners to a forced labor camp in Golleschau / Goleszow, 80 kms from Auschwitz (considered as part of the Auschwitz-Birkenau complex). He served as the prisoners doctor in that camp and did all what was in his powers to ease and improve the terrible life conditions which prevailed there. Before his liberation he experienced one of the “Death Marches”, into which the SS men forced the few survivors of the Concentration Camps. He managed to survive the horrors and returned to Paris. He renewed his medical activities and became very popular in Jewish homes in Paris. Among others, he also serves as the medical consultant of the Israeli embassy in France. He is also active, together with his wife. In the Committee of the Plocker Organization and is very positive about any social Zionist activity in France.