[CLI Part 26] do_EV9GNSDeLZZd9Hu99HJ3W


Discussion Question

Lion FRENKEL #dutch #jewish

(Dr.) Lion FRENKEL (* 1888-03-25 in Utrecht, Netherlands; Survivor)

Son of Salomon FRENKEL and Katilie SELIGSBERGER.
Married to Carolina Selina FRENKEL, née WIENER (* 1892-11-11).
They had the following children:

  • Hans Philipp FRENKEL (* 1917-09-06)
  • Jacques Andre FRENKEL (* 1919-03-30)
  • Elly FRENKEL (* 1921-06-22)
  • Betsy FRENKEL (* 1924-10-21)
  • Carolina Selina FRENKEL (?) (* 1926-10-02)
  • Maria FRENKEL (* 1930-05-05)
  • Simon Philipp FRENKEL (* 1932-05-08)
  • Louise FRENKEL (* 1934-05-02)
  • Robert FRENKEL (* 1937-10-14)

Living in Gr. Florisstr. 48, Rotterdam.

Imprisoned in Theresienstadt.

He did survive and was send to Cantor St. Gallen, Switzerland.


1 „Gefällt mir“

Joods Biografisch Woordenboek (jodeninnederland.nl)

worked as a dentist in Theresienstadt


Son: Simon Frenkel


[CLI Part 26] do_8UGxonm4ac8XdWZ2Bki6L Simon Frenkel - Dokumente - Talk in the Forum of the Arolsen Archives (arolsen-archives.org)

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