[CLI Part 26] do_8SBJnQaxDnyY6GknTipN3


Discussion Question

Mendel CIENKI #polish #jewish

Mendel CIENKI (* 1929; Survivor)

Living in Parczew near Lublin.


Most likely:

Mendel CIENKI (* 1931-07-15 (1932) in Woin, Lublin, Poland; Survivor)

Son of Dawid CIENKI and Mirjam CIENKI.

Living in Lindau/Bodensee, Lintorf as of 1946-11-15.
Living in Lindenfels I/Odenwald, Kreis Bergster.
Living in Polizeischule Heidenheim.

Emigrated ~1949-04-06 to Palestine.
