[CLI Part 24] do_5twe7KNQsf1ez42EeF7MU - Berl Niwes


Discussion Question


#ukraine POB: Tarnopol
#france POR

Berl/Bernard Niwes

Berl Niwes (1890 - d.) - Genealogy (geni.com)

Wife: Rosa Niwes née Erber

Rosa NIWES née Erber le 3 juillet 1893 à Przemyl (Pologne), est arrêtée avec son fils Ernest à St-Etienne-des-Champs (Puy-de-Dôme), puis déportée de Drancy le 14 septembre 1942 par le convoi n°32. Seul Ernest est revenu. Son époux Bernard et leur fils Fred ont eux aussi survécu.

Son: Ernst (Ernest) Niwes

The father, Bernard, was a prisoner in Dachau and Buchenwald from April 1938 to February 1939. He immigrated to France where he was saved by the nuns of the Order of Charity in the Hotel Dieu, Clermont-Ferrand. Fred, the older son, immigrated to the United States in 1940 and served in the American Army. Ernst, was born on April 8, 1925 in Vienna. He was arrested with his mother, Julia, in Les Pardelieres (Puy-de-Dome department) in the center of France. The Vichy Police sent Ernst and his mother to Montluçon, and then transferred them to Drancy. They were deported on convoy 32, September 14, 1942. Ernst survived and lived in New York, where he was actively involved in keeping the memory of the deported alive.