[CLI Part 23] do_3J3gYjcf6rwVgGdVEhrTK Flora BOTTON


Discussion Question


Most likely her, but with totally different DOB *01.03.1933:


There are many entries on ushmm, but with as many different data, all of which match only partially:

There is a Flora/Flor Botton/Boton, also from Thessaloniki, on YV, status „murdered in the Shoah“, but most likely a different person with another different DOB, no match with ushmm.
A bit confused in the Wetterau, @carola.b and @routebleue

„Botton“ seems to be a quite common family name, with first name Flora/Flor as well.
(see search results on myheritage)

There is a list of Bergen-Belsen prisoners liberated in Farsleben, about 20 of them with last name Botton, all born in Thessaloniki, all admitted to Bergen-Belsen on 14.04.1944.
Among them Flor (* 01.03.1933) and Flora (* 20.07.1941)
There are also people with last name Ascher/Asscher in the list (maybe a connection to the note on the CLI card?)

And who could she be?
Flora BOTTON BURLÁ , a Greek/Mexican translator, born in Thessaloniki (no information about her DOB or family found)
She is mentioned as the sinologist’s cousin (see Wikipedia, but her link there leads nowhere…) ,
several hits when searching for her, for example
on facebook

(As for last name Bourla/Burla: also various entries on YV … (also with reference to Thessaloniki)

Sorry @moewenzahn, I can’t add any reliable puzzle pieces!
Have a good week anyway!

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