[CLI_Part_21] 132127470 Lotte Lipschutz


Discussion Question


#germany POB: Bremen
#belgium POR; deported from


Deported on Convoy X

Transport list (n° 969):

Lottie Mehl (Lipschutz) (1913 - 2008) - Genealogy (geni.com) (with incorrect YOB)


Her parents, brother Jacob and sister Henny were also deported from Belgium

Henny (n° 968 on transport list above)

Father: Feiwel Lipschutz

Mother: Tauba Blumenfrucht


Transport list Feiwel, Tauba and Jacob:

1 „Gefällt mir“

The stolperstein stories of the Lipschütz family in Bremen-Hemelingen, Sebaldsbrücker Heerstr. 29
(with Lotti’s year of birth given as 1913)

Feiwel LIPSCHÜTZ, *1884 (Lotti’s father)

Tauba LIPSCHÜTZ, geb. BLUMENFRUCHT, *1888 (Lotti’s mother)

Jacob LIPSCHÜTZ, *1930 (Lotti’s brother)

Chana LIPSCHÜTZ née KALISCHER - *11.10.1856 in Krakow, Poland. (Lotti’s grandmother)
The family of Chana (Scheindel) LIPSCHÜTZ, née KALISCHER, had lived in Krakow for at least two generations. She had been registered in Bremen since 1901. Her last address is Sebaldsbrücker Heerstraße 29. She probably moved in with her son Feiwel LIPSCHÜTZ after her husband’s death.
In 1939 she emigrated to Antwerp. There she lived in the apartment of her son Feiwel, who had been in Belgium since 1938. In April 1940, her son’s family also managed to escape to Antwerp.
On March 3, 1943, she was arrested in Antwerp and - at the age of 86 - taken to the Malines/Mechelen assembly camp (Dossin barracks). From there she was deported to Auschwitz on April 19, 1943 on Transport XX as No. 968
The train reached Auschwitz on April 22, 1943.
No further information about her fate is known. She was declared dead on May 8, 1945.
(info taken and translated from source above)

(I had to look this up, my POB is near Bremen…)

Grandmother: Chana Kalischer:

With the picture of a very old lady…She must have had a moving journey since Convoy XX was attacked by the Belgian resistance. She was of course too old to jump off the train, like many others who were saved (or caught again)

Transport list (n° 968):

Thank you very much, @routebleue, for completing! Just perfect!!