[CLI_Part_19] 132063123

  • Document ID: 132063123
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Yvonne DUBOIN née JAUBERT #french #female


  • Born June 22, 1886 - Toulon, 83000, Var, France
  • Deceased in 1979, aged 93 years old
  • Buried - Paris, 75000, Paris, France


  • Dominique JAUBERT, born December 14, 1840 - Brignoles, 83170, Var, France, deceased March 21, 1918 - Toulon, 83000, Var, France aged 77 years old,


Married April 17, 1866, Toulon, 83000, Var, France, to

  • Pauline OHIER, born December 13, 1847 - Toulon, 83000, Var, France, deceased after 1920
