[CLI_Part_19] 132054288

  • Document ID: 132054288
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Zysia LEJMAN #polish #jew

Zysla LEJMAN / LEIMAN (* 1903-11-13 in Pokytno, Poland)

His parents were Josek Mordka LEJMAN and Frajla / Frajda LEJMAN, née RUSINSK.

He was married to Regina LEJMAN, née HABERMAN.

Prisoner of CC Groß-Rosen (Prisoner Number: 24959) and CC Buchenwald (Prisoner Number: 129251, starting 1945-02-10).

He remarried 1946-05-31 Hania SCHLEICHKORN (* 1916-12-15 in Krakau).

He was later at the DP Camp in Frankfurt / Main, Zeilsheim.
