Document ID: 132029659
Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
Louis Vorst was born in 1903. He was a child. During the war he was in Bergen Belsen, Germany
I’m not so sure if the sources refer to the same person, because the Arolsen-file is about persons whose bodies were exhumed from several places and in this case Vorst is a place name (it’s a little place not very far from Krefeld, compare here: Vorst Map - Suburb - North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - Mapcarta - this would match the indicated address on the Arolsen-source, which is Kempen-Krefeld) - so the source is about a Louis Franz Olivier, born in 1903, who was buried in Vorst and after the war exhumed
I could image but this is just a guess the CLI-card and the yad-vashem-source as well are about Louis Levi/Levie Vorst, the later chief rabbi of Rotterdam:
„Rabbi Levie „Lou“ Vorst (October 8, 1903 in Amsterdam - July 28, 1987 in Rehovot) was rabbi of Rotterdam from 1946 to 1959 and chief rabbi from 1959 to 1971.
Vorst and his family were transported to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in January 1944. On 9 April 1945, they were put on the so-called Lost Train, a train heading East with no clear destination. The train was captured by the Red Army in Tröbitz. Levie survived, however his wife Henriëtte died along the way, and was buried near the railroad tracks.
Vorst served under caretaker chief rabbi Justus Tal from Amsterdam from 1946 to 1954 and under hakham Rodrigues Pereira from 1954 to 1959. In 1959 he became chief rabbi of Rotterdam. In 1971 he emigrated to Israel.“ - Levie Vorst - Wikipedia
Chief Rabbi Levi Vorst of Rotterdam - YouTube
https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/884756/jewish/Tragedy-Young-Mother-Dies.htm - this is about his mother, a text written by his grandson about his great-grandmother and grandfather as well
Mendel Katzman op LinkedIn: This week, the descendants of Rabbi Yitzchok and his wife Doba Vorst got… | 15 commentaren
Levie Vorst
Levie (Lou) Vorst (1903 - 1987) - Genealogy
If this is him this was his wife Henriette Tzippora/Tzipora Chana Vorst, née Gelder: Henriette Vorst-van Gelder - she didn’t survive
his second wife Sara Vorst, née Weijl: Sara Vorst (Weijl) (1939 - d.) - Genealogy
It’s a little bit strange by the way that a man, born in 1903, is indicated forty years later according to the yad-vashem-source as a child, it could be that they mixed up Levi Louis Vorst with his son Baruch Nechemiah Vorst, born in Westerbork in June 1943, who died there in August 1943: Baruch Nechemiah Vorst - but that’s just a guess as well, of course
I agree with jweste!
Moreover, I noticed that the CLI often has cards from the different members of the same family.
The card of Baruch Nechemiah Vorst, the son of Levie (Lou/Louis) Vorst for example can be found here:
More links for Levie Vorst:
Excuse me, I agree with you. It’s my fault.
Excuse me, I agree with you. It’s my fault.