- Document ID: 132026049
- Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
Salomon de VRIES (* 1908-06-27 in Weesp)
Prisoner of Amersfoort (Prisoner Number: 8717) from 1944-10-26 till 1945-01-29.
He was transferred to Westerbork.
He might have survived.
The list this CLI card is most likely based on (see this) mentions „vermisst 1945-04-18“.
He is not mentioned on a survivor list dated two dates later: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/5146525.
Hello again @baulukas
Salomon de Vries may have survived, but his mother didn’t:
Father: Simon de Vries
Mother: Bertha Menko