[Central Location Index Part 9] 132025776

  • Document ID: 132025776
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Laszlo KLEIN #hungarian #jewish

László KLEIN (* 1929-01-15 in Nagyvarad, Hungary or Grosswardein, Hungary)

He was living in Nagyrarad, September 6 gasse - 25 - Bihar.

Survivor of KZ Auschwitz (1944-06-03 till 1944-06-18 and KZ Buchenwald (1944-06-18 till his release on 1945-05-05, prisoner number: 53805)


Albert KLEIN, his father

Prisoner of KZ Auschwitz and KZ Buchenwald

Hanna KLEIN, née GRÜNFELD, his mother

Prisoner of KZ Auschwitz