Document ID: 132023158
Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
Greta Horn. During the war was in Heerlen, The Netherlands.
Greta survived the Shoah
Ivonne Horn
According to this source she had four children, four girls, which isn’t correct as the other sources show: Marianne, Rosy, Yvonne, Rachel - only Rosy and Yvonne were her daughters
Marianne was murdered in the Holocaust, compare here: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=1225652&ind=1 - according to this source Marianne was Gretha’s sister-in-law (sister of her husband Henri), not her daughter
This should be Marianne respectively Annie Horn, born 1920: Annie Horn - her parents i.e. the parents-in-law of Gretha Horn, were murdered as well
Horn, Annie – Struikelsteentjes
Rachel (Rie) Horn, married Altmann, was her sister-in-law as well, not her daughter, she survived the Holocaust: Rachel (Rie) Altmann (Horn) (1909 - 1988) - Genealogy
Greta Horn, née Hertogs and her daughter Yvonne/Ivonne survived with the help of Pietje Hendriks, née Wiersma, compare here: „Pietje Hendriks-Wiersma, also known as Nel, born in Henatradeel-Winsum, worked as a maid for Prof. Dr. Ir. F.K.Th. Van Iterson, the managing director of the State Mines, in Heerlen, Limburg. During the war, Greta Horn-Hertogs and her six-year-old daughter, Yvonne, hid in van Iterson’s home. van Iterson employed Nel in late 1940, and when the Jewish fugitives arrived in 1942 they were accommodated in the room next to hers, on the second floor of the house. Being responsible for the daily routine of the household, Nel also took charge of the “guests,” feeding them, caring for them, and ensuring that they were never noticed by outsiders. During their time in hiding, the refugees were not allowed to leave the second floor of the house. Nel did as much as possible to ease this especially difficult situation. In early 1943, this address became unsafe and Nel escorted Yvonne and her mother through wind and rain, to a new temporary hideout. After only a few days, they returned to the van Iterson household. However, in the beginning of 1944, the situation again became perilous and Nel accompanied the two fugitives through German fortifications, Yvonne hidden in a big coat on the back of Nel’s bicycle, with her feet tucked into the large pouches straddling the back wheel. Greta Horn rode her own bike. The underground then took Greta and Yvonne to a new hideout, where they remained until the liberation of the region in September 1944.
On December 2, 1991, Yad Vashem recognized Pietje Hendriks-Wiersma as Righteous Among the Nations.“ - https://righteous.yadvashem.org/?searchType=righteous_only&language=en&itemId=4015251&ind=0
Pietje Wiersma Nel : généalogie par Otto WIERSMA (owi1953) - Geneanet
This was Professor Iterson in whose house they were able to hide: Iterson, Frederik Karel Theodoor van (1877-1957)
Frederik van Iterson - Wikipedia - there is a street named after him in Heerlen
This was Greta’s father; Markus Hertogs: Markus Hertogs
This was her mother, Franziska Hertogs, née Steinberger: Franziska Hertogs-Steinberger
Her husband Henri Horn, born in Maastricht in 1908, already died in 1939, compare here: https://www.openarch.nl/rhl:c540b53f-d233-a661-75e8-88a0e4f1e1b3
Henri Horn (1908 - 1939) - Genealogy
Father: Markus Hertogs
Mother: Franziska Steinberger