Document ID: 132022567
Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
Jacob Herrmann was born on 11/11/1889 in Oberemmel (Germany). They have two sons: Walter, born on 20/03/1922, and Siegfried, born on 11/12/1925, in Oberemmel (Germany). Their last address in France was Ferme La Brugnette in Massoulès (Lot-et-Garonne). They were interned at the Casseneuil camp (Lot-et-Garonne), from where they were transferred to the Drancy camp (Seine-Saint-Denis), where they arrived on 04/09/1942. They were deported by convoy 30, which left the Drancy camp on 09/09/1942 for Auschwitz (Poland). Walter and Sigfried were selected to enter the camp. They were transferred to Gross Rosen, then Flossenbürg (Germany). Only Siegfried returned from deportation. He gave his testimony in 1998 as part of the USC Shoah Foundation collection
Wife: Sophie Lorig
Son: Walter Herrmann
Son: Siegfried Herrmann (survived)