Document ID: 132022287
Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
Der Schwager, Sol Meyer, der auf der Suchkarte steht, wird im Artikel genannt, ebenso seine Schwester Sophie
Hello Quappwuermer! Some more info that might be interesting:
#france deported from
His story:
Julius Hermanns (1891-1942) was born in Neersen (Willich), Germany, to Michael and Rosalie Hermanns. He owned a linen store with his three siblings: Fritz, Sofia, and Henrietta. His wife Margarete (1899-1944) was born in Gelsenkirchen to Meyer and Paulina Goldbaum. The couple had one daughter, Hilde (1923-1944), born in Mönchengladbach. Julius was imprisoned in Dachau in September 1938, transferred to Buchenwald the following month, and released in April 1939 on the condition that he would leave the country. Henrietta and her husband Sol Meyer, along with another relative, Julius Kaufmann, arranged for a Cuban landing certificate for Julius. He sailed on the St. Louis, was returned to Europe, found temporary refuge in France, was arrested as an enemy alien at the outbreak of war, and was held in internment camps in Fresnay-sur-Sarthe, Saint Cyprien, Gurs, and Les Milles. He was deported via Drancy to Auschwitz in August 1942 and killed. Margarete, Hilde, and Sofia were deported to the Riga ghetto in December 1941. Margarete and Hilde were transferred to Stutthof in October 1944 and killed.
Source: EHRI - Berg and Hermanns families papers