[Central Location Index Part 9] 132021687

  • Document ID: 132021687
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Oscar LUFT

Oscar / Oskar LUFT (* 1866-09-06 in Woischnik / Lublinitz (Guttentag) / Schlesien, + 1942-12-17 in Theresienstadt)

He was living in Breslau XIII, Goethestr. 30 or 40.

Deported 1942-07-27 from Breslau to Theresienstadt.

He did not survive.


Hello Baulukas 1301!

Some more links that might be of interest:

Oscar Luft (1866 - 1942) - Genealogy (geni.com)

Terezín Memorial (pamatnik-terezin.cz)


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