[Central Location Index Part 9] 132011142

  • Document ID: 132011142
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Rebecca TURKSMA #dutch #female #jew

Rebekka Turksma (1876-1957) » Familie Brinkman en te veel aanhang » Genealogy Online - according to this source she was born in Leeuwarden, her first name was spelled Rebekka, she was a married Drielsma and she died in Hilversum in 1957
Rebekke Drielsma-Turksma - according to this source her first name was spelled Rebekke
Sjoa Drenthe - Personen

her brother Barend Mozes Turksma : https://www.joodsmonument.nl/nl/page/118642/barend-mozes-turksma

her brother Hessel Mozes Turksma: Hessel Turksma

her brother Levie Mozes Turksma: Levie Mozes Turksma

her brother Salomon Turksma: Salomon Turksma

her sister Betje seems to have survived as well: Betje Turksma

1 „Gefällt mir“

