Document ID: 132008887
Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
Registered on the CLI together with his wife, Chana TINPULWER, née FUCKO (* 1908-10-12 in Krewel).
They had at least one son, Isik TINPULWER (*1947-01-12 in Babenhausen).
They had a common C/M-1 Envelope:
Also are mentioned Chaim and Chaja SAK.
All of them were most likely registered in DP Camp Babenhausen (I could not verify that for Chaja SAK).
His parents were Samuel TINPULWER and Chaja TINPULWER, née MAYER.
Her parents were Chaim FUCKO and Roza FUCKO, née BENDER.
No further information found
He was also at Camp Rochelle
See also:
No further information found