[Central Location Index Part 9] 131995656

  • Document ID: 131995656
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Mauritz DOTSCH #dutch #jewish

Mauritz / Maurits DOTSCH (* 1911-12-18 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, + 1942-08-25 in Auschwitz)

He was living at Krugerstr. 35, and Rijnstr. 191.

Married to Ilse DOTSCH, née STOPPELMAN (they married in 1941-12-31).

He was deported on 1942-07-24 to Auschwitz.
He was murdered on the 1942-08-25.


Ilse / Jlse (Sara) DOTSCH, née STOPPELMAN (* 1918-03-10 in Hamburg, Germany, + 1943-04-30 in Sobibor), his wife

Deported 1943-04-27 from Westerbork to Sobibor.
Murdered 1943-04-30.

Her parents were Auguste STOPPELMAN (* 1879-04-03, + 1942-10-05 in Auschwitz), née LOEBENSTEIN, and Gerson STOPPELMAN (* 1888-02-11).


Arnold DOTSCH (* 1887-11-05 in Amsterdam, + 1942-09-17 in Auschwitz), his father

His father was David Dotsch (* 1866-02-11 in Amsterdam, + 1943-02-26 in Auschwitz)

Deported 1942-09-17 to Auschwitz.
Murdered 1943-02-26.


Judie / Judic DOTSCH, née NEBLIG / NEBBIG (* 1888-07-22 in Amsterdam, + 1942-09-17 in Auschwitz), his mother

Deported 1942-09-14 to Auschwitz.


Michel DOTSCH (* 1917-05-15 in Amsterdam, + 1944-01-08/14 in Auschwitz), his brother

Imprisoned in KZ Herzogenbusch-Vught (1943-05-07 till 1943-09-20, Prisoner Number: 8406 and 63835)
Deported 1943-09-21 to Auschwitz
Killed 1944-01-08/14.


Judith ROEG, née DOTSCH (* 1915-04-11 in Amsterdam, + 1942-09-17 in Auschwitz), his sister

Deported 1942-09-14 to Auschwitz.
Murdered 1942-09-17.
