[Central Location Index Part 9] 131990263

  • Document ID: 131990263
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question


Berek / Berg KUPFER (* 1886-11-12 in Nowikorczin, Poland, + after 1942-03-11 in Bernburg, Germany)

Prisoner of KZ Buchenwald (1939-10-02 till 1942-03-11, prisoner number: 585, 7249, block: 16)

He was transported to Bernburg in Germany, where he was killed.


Chaja / Haja KUPFER (* 1895-09-08 in Poland)

Living in Wien, Klosterneuburgerstr. 49/3

Deported 1942-08-31 from Vienna to Maly Trostenets, where she arrievd on the 2nd or 4th of September, 1942.

She did not survive.


Hertha KUPFER (* 1926-11-18 in Austria)

Deported with her mother to Maly Trostenets.

She did not survive
