[Central Location Index – Part 8] 131964918 Walter Marx

  • Document ID: 131964918
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Walter Marx


typo pob should be Vechta/Oldenburg, not: Veschtal

his mother Rosa/Rosalie, née Cussel, born 1884: MtL - Mapping the Lives
Gedenkbuch - Memorial book entry
Erinnerungsbuch – jüdische NS-Opfer aus Oldenburg
https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=6696659&ind=1 - the page was submitted by Walter Marx, her son, i.e. he survived

his father Max, born 1884: MtL - Mapping the Lives
Gedenkbuch - Memorial book entry
https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=6696671&ind=1 - in this source his yob is indicated with 1882, this page was submitted by his son Walter Marx
Erinnerungsbuch – jüdische NS-Opfer aus Oldenburg

his sister Erna Irma, born 1920: MtL - Mapping the Lives
Gedenkbuch - Gedenkbucheintrag
Erinnerungsbuch – jüdische NS-Opfer aus Oldenburg
Marx Erna – Gedenkbuch

his sister Hilde, married Cauveren, born in 1913: MtL - Mapping the Lives
Sterben Hilde Marx am 31. Oktober 1944 in Oswiecim (Polen) (Niederlande) » Open Archives
Hilde Cauveren-Marx
Gedenkbuch - Gedenkbucheintrag
his brother-in-law Alex Cauveren, Hilde’s husband: Alex Cauveren

@carola.b - I got the impression that Hilde Cauveren, née Marx, is connected with the „wrong parents“ on the joodsmonument-page - in the German source of Oldenburg her parents are indicated with Max and Rosa, that matches the information on the openarch-source, but in the joodsmonument-source her parents are indicated with Hermann and Olga, née Goldbach. I think there is a certain relationship, perhaps Hermann and Max Marx could have been brothers, both were born in Gescher near Coesfeld/Germany, but I don’t think that Hermann and Olga were Hilde’s parents

I mailed the JM today. Like I already told you, the JM still has about a 100 mails from me to process. You’ll have to be patient, but the JM will follow up, I’m sure. And thank you so much for pointing out this error.

Have a nice day, dear jweste!

1 „Gefällt mir“

Dear @carola.b,
I have to thank you! :slight_smile:
I hope you had a happy easter i.e. vrolijk pasen!