[Central Location Index – Part 8] 131962867

  • Document ID: 131962867
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Sometimes the card indicates that the person was LOC (located) or is known to have died. How to note


As explained under „:information_source:“, some pieces of information are more important than others. For example, it can be difficult or even impossible to search for information about a person if their name is not in our database. And if the search results include several people with exactly the same name, their dates of birth and last known addresses can make it much easier to find the right person. So here at #enc, we concentrate on entering the most important information first. Our aim is to process as many documents as possible in a short time.
Here in our forum you are welcome to collect further information about the people, as @velthove1 did.

Best wishes,

1 „Gefällt mir“