Document ID: 131955906
Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
#germany POB: Körbecke
#holland POR
Berta Oppenheimer (Eldodt) (1875 - 1969) - Genealogy (geni.com)
Fate relatives:
See for her son Kurt Oppenheimer and daughter-in-law Ilse Oppenheimer née Engel:
#typo #geo [Amersfoort; Utrechtseweg]
Hello, we are looking for family members of Bertha Oppenheimer, maiden name Eldodt, as she was born in our village. Do you know any relatives?
Good evening, @ujhaeb
you can find some hints in the geni.com link that was provided by @carola.b .
her brother Moritz had 4 children.: see
Joseph Eldodt
Hello ujhaeb!
Thank you for taking an interest in the fate of the members of the Eldodt family from Körbecke.
I would advise you to contact Alicia Sommer at the Municipal Archives (Gemeindearchiv) of Körbecke (see last link below) since the geni site in my comment is not a primary source and could contain errors or omissions. For example, it doesn’t mention Berta’s son Heinz Isidor Oppenheimer, born on 06-12-1898 who survived in hiding in Barneveld (Holland) and emigrated to the USA
https://www.ushmm.org/media/images/vlpnamelist/AA0016/AA0016.pdf (page 9 of the supplement AIII)
Son: Kurt Oppenheimer born 23-01-1899 in Essen:
There’s a Lia Karger-Eldodt who was born in 1881 in Körbecke, but I don’t know if she was related to Berta:
And Mathilde Fischel-Eldodt was born in Körbecke too:
I would also advice you to contact the Möhnesee-Schule since pupils accomplished a research on the Jews in Körbecke and the Meyerhoff family in particular. I’m sure they will be able to share some useful information with you:
Archivarin, Schüler und Lehrer forschen über jüdisches Leben in Körbecke
Gemeindearchive Körbecke:
I hope your research will be succesful and I wish you good luck!