[Central Location Index – Part 8] 131954278

  • Document ID: 131954278
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Leo OFFENSTADT #german #jew



his (second) wife Agnes Offenstadt, née Dreyer:


Edith, née Falk, married Schönberger, the daughter from Agnes’ first marriage, born in Berlin in 1904: MtL - Mapping the Lives - she submitted the pages of testimony for her mother and stepfather
She was married to Eugen Schönberger: MtL - Mapping the Lives - Eugen Schönberger (Fabrikant) – Wikipedia - they fled to France and in 1941 emigrated to the USA, Eugen Schönberger died in 1970, he was buried in Mainz, his city of birth: Isak Eugen Schönberger (1871-1970) - Find a Grave Memorial

Edith Schönberger in 1974 married again, her second husband was Dr. Bernard Kaufman - compare here: Kaufman (Edith Schoenberger) papers, 1870-2006 - The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life
Edith Schoenberger Kaufman papers, 1870-2006
Kaufman, Edith Schoenberger, 1904-1995. Edith Schoenberger Kaufman papers, 1870-2006. - View Resource - Social Networks and Archival Context
Bernard Kaufman Obituary (2008) - San Francisco, CA - San Francisco Chronicle

Flora (Flori) Durlacher, née Offenstadt, from Leo’s first marriage with Minna, see below: Flora (Flori) Durlacher (Offenstadt) (1895 - 1982) - Genealogy - she died in Atibaia, Atibaia, SP, Brazil (Brasilien) in 1982

Leo’s first wife Minna, née Fuld, first married Offenstadt - divorced - then married Polacovitz/Polacovits - divorced - then married Reuss, died in Tel Aviv in 1944: Minna Offenstadt - Polacovitz - Reuss (Fuld) (1875 - 1944) - Genealogy

this is about Minna, Flora and their descendants: Brazil | Brotmanblog: A Family Journey