Document ID: 131944800
Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
Segre, Anna - CDEC - Centro di Documentazione Ebraica - Digital Library - according to this source she was a married Levi
her daughter Pia Clevia Levi, born 1899: Levi, Pia Clelia - CDEC - Centro di Documentazione Ebraica - Digital Library
her son Aldo Levi, born 1905: Levi, Aldo - CDEC - Centro di Documentazione Ebraica - Digital Library
her daughter Beniamina Levi, born 1917: Levi, Pia Clelia - CDEC - Centro di Documentazione Ebraica - Digital Library
her son-in-law Marco Elia Levi, Pia’s husband, born 1893: Levi, Marco Elia - CDEC - Centro di Documentazione Ebraica - Digital Library
her granddaughter Amelia Levi, Pia’s daughter, born 1927: Levi, Amelia - CDEC - Centro di Documentazione Ebraica - Digital Library
her grandson Elia Lelio Levi, Pia’s son, born 1921: Levi, Elia Lelio - CDEC - Centro di Documentazione Ebraica - Digital Library
They all didn’t survive.
her grandson Isacco Levi, Pia’s son, born 1924, survived: Levi, Isacco - CDEC - Centro di Documentazione Ebraica - Digital Library
Isacco Levi belonged to the Italian resistance: Isacco Levi - Wikipedia - according to this source he died in Moretta in 2019
His daughters were obviously named after his murdered mother and sister.