Document ID: 131941986
Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI
his wife Paula Zacharias, née Friedenberg: MtL - Mapping the Lives
Gedenkbuch - Gedenkbucheintrag
the yadvashem-pages of testimony were submitted by their son Heinz Zacharias: Heinz Zacharias (1915 - 1999) - Genealogy - according to this source he died in Texas in 1999
"Man muß auch vergeben können"
his obituary: https://www.cityofirving.org/DocumentCenter/View/28525/X-Y-Z---1999?bidId= - p. 5
He seems to have emigrated in 1933: MtL - Mapping the Lives
The family tree: https://www.werl.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Stadtarchiv/gedenk/erinnerung/Zacharias__Moritz.pdf