[Central Location Index – Part 8] 131935449

  • Document ID: 131935449
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Juljus(z) SANDER (* 1918-10-22 in Frankfurt/Main OR Bedzin, Poland, + 2000-01-20 in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, USA)

He survived.

His DP Number was A 02094638 and 294898.
His CM-1 ID was 539360 1780.

He was at Bergen-Belsen (Prisoner Number 38303 ?).

His parents were Ovadie SANDER and Hindla SANDER, née WEINTRAUB.

He was married to Edzia SANDER, née Obornik (* 1929/28-06-22 in Bendzin, Poland), daughter of Hennoch OBORNIK and Cescha OBORNIK, née MOSCHKOWICZ:

He had a cousin in the USA.

They emigrated on the 1949-05-15 to 28 East Fulton Street, Glonersville, N.Y, USA.

See also: