[Central Location Index – Part 8] 131932199

  • Document ID: 131932199
  • Document Collection: 7-14-1 Documentation of the CLI

Discussion Question

Moniek Zagorski


https://collections.ushmm.org/oh_findingaids/RG-50.002.0072_tcn_en.pdf - this source is about his sister Mila, married Bachner, but he is mentioned in there as well

„Mila Bachner, born on March 15, 1927, discusses her childhood in Chrzanów, Poland; antisemitism in Poland; the attacks on her father and grandfather by Poles in Chrzanów; the death of her grandfather from a beating; the invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939; her family’s attempted escape; living in the Chrzanów ghetto; the confiscation of her parents’ business; the death of her brother in Gross Masselwitz concentration camp in Germany; her other brother’s time in Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria; her mother and aunt’s inclusion in a roundup; her knowledge of the crematorium at Auschwitz concentration camp; her sister’s transport to Auschwitz; her work making coats for the Germans; being transported to transit camp Dulag in Germany; her selection by Dr. Franz Novak to live; her time in Nova Sol concentration camp in Neusalz, Germany (Nowa Sól, Poland); forced labor in Nova Sol and the cruelty that she was forced to endure there; a death march to Flossenbürg concentration camp; passing through Potsdam, Germany, where Hitler Youth threw rocks at her; the help that she and a friend received from a German woman near Flossenbürg; wondering if there was a God; holding on to her pictures despite being beaten; her work taking clothes off of the dead; marching to a railroad station; being on a cattle car for eight days; arriving in Hanover, Germany, near Bergen-Belsen concentration camp; her work pulling dead bodies to the crematorium at Bergen-Belsen; being liberated by the British; possible reasons for her survival; her time shortly after liberation with a German family near Bergen-Belsen; reuniting with her brother; her secret crossing of the border to Austria; her time in a hospital in Austria; and her and her brother’s immigration to the United States in 1947. Also contains two identical photographs of Mila in late 1939 or early 1940.“ - Oral history interview with Mila Bachner - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

his brother Chaim: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=1486571&ind=1

his brother Nachman: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=5677988&ind=1

his sister Mesia: „she was so beautiful“ - https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=804608&ind=1

his father Leib: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=714670&ind=1

his mother Hanah, née Lemberger: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=13862760&ind=1

his sister Malka, married Goldstein: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=1644074&ind=1

his brother-in-law Wolf Goldstein, Malka’s husband: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=5861085&ind=1

his nephew Abraham Hirsh Goldstein, the son of Malka and Wolf: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=568905&ind=1

more about the sister Mila

Mila Bachner submitted all the pages of testimony for her family.
One of her granddaughters is married to Yaron Weitzman, an award-winning NBA writer for Fox Sports. Weitzman wrote about the day Mira Bachner was buried in November 2022, shortly after the well-known American professional basketballplayer Kyrie Irving had promoted an anti-semitic film on his platform:
" On Sunday morning, Kyrie Irving addressed the media for the first time since being suspended by the Brooklyn Nets on Nov. 4, a punishment for his decision to promote an antisemitic film on his social media accounts and then defend that action in multiple news conferences.
„The learning lesson for me was just the power of my platform and the impact that it can cause if it’s not taken care of the right way,“ said Irving, who missed eight games. „So meeting with different people within the Jewish community has offered me some clarity on a deeper understanding of what’s going on and the impact that was made and the hurt that was caused.“
I was not in attendance for this news conference. I was at a cemetery in New Jersey, burying my wife’s grandmother, Mila Bachner, who died Friday night and who, 83 years ago, at the age of 12, was taken from her home in Poland and conscripted to work in a Nazi concentration camp. Mila survived. Most of her family did not. The Nazis murdered both her parents and four of her five siblings. One brother who had been sent to the Gross-Rosen concentration camp had been shot to death for stealing a piece of bread.
I spent Sunday morning hearing this story and others. How Mila had been chosen for slave labor and how this made her one of the lucky ones. How her job in one concentration camp had been to dispose of the dead. How around 1944, with the Allied forces approaching, the Nazis had ordered her and hundreds of others to march hundreds of miles in freezing cold.
I also listened to how Mila, after somehow surviving these horrors, and after arriving at Ellis Island and making a home in Passaic, N.J. — about five miles away from where the Nets used to play their homes games — made it her life’s mission to share her story, and the story of the Holocaust, to ensure that #NeverAgain would become a reality and not just a slogan. She spoke in public schools throughout the country. She recorded an interview with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. She wrote a book.
I listened to these stories, and then I boarded a train for Brooklyn’s Barclays Center, so I could see Irving’s first game back."

1 „Gefällt mir“

So interestig!! Thanks for so many informations!!

I’m glad you found time to read them. :slight_smile: