Document ID: 131921857
Document Collection: M.18 - Documentation of the Central Location Index (CLI) of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in New York
Link to Online Archive: Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution | 71410001 - M.18 - Documentation of the Central Location Index (CLI) of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in New York
Bertha Wolitzer-Weiser - according to this source she was born in Bacau/Romania in 1864
her son Samuel Wolitzer, born 1889, murdered in Bergen Belsen in 1944: Samuel Wolitzer
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her daughter-in-law Klara Wolitzer, née Glodka, who obviously didn’t come to the Netherlands with her husband: MtL - Mapping the Lives
her grandson, Samuel’s son Leopold Wolitzer: Leopold Wolitzer (born 12 September 1926) • Dokin
Leopold Wolitzer
MtL - Mapping the Lives
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It seems as if Samuel Wolitzer had a daughter as well, Ruth, later married Berger, who managed to survive and lived in Israel, she submitted a lot of the pages of testimony for the family
Bertha’s daughter Margaretha Leopoldine Wolff, née Wolitzer, born in 1892, murdered in 1943 - Margaretha Leopoldine Wolff-Wolitzer
MtL - Mapping the Lives
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her son-in-law, Margaretha’s husband Felix Wolff: Felix Wolff, born 1887, murdered in 1943
MtL - Mapping the Lives
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Felix Wolff (Hagen, 14 maart 1887 - Sobibor, 11 juni 1943) - Netwerk Oorlogsbronnen
her grandchildren, Margaretha’s and Felix’ children:
Erika Wolff, born in 1921, murdered in 1942: Erika Wolff
MtL - Mapping the Lives
https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=1076614&ind=1 -
Bruno Walter Wolff, born 1927: Bruno Walter Wolff
Bruno Walter Wolff | Oorlogsgravenstichting