Document ID: 131917419
Document Collection: M.18 - Documentation of the Central Location Index (CLI) of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in New York
Link to Online Archive: Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution | 71410001 - M.18 - Documentation of the Central Location Index (CLI) of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in New York
According to this source his full name was Alfred Paul Löwy: MtL - Mapping the Lives - he died in 1946
this should have been his wife then (same address in 1939): Margarete, née Gabriel - MtL - Mapping the Lives - she survived, emigrated to the USA after the war, where she died in 1996 (compare her daughter’s obituary below)
his son, Hans Loewy, born 1934: MtL - Mapping the Lives - he survived, emigrated to the USA, where he died in 1995 (compare his sister’s obituary below)
his daughter, Vera Loewy, born 1931: MtL - Mapping the Lives - she survived, emigrated to the USA, where she died in 2018, this is her obituary: https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/washingtonpost/name/vera-loewy-obituary?id=1751418
they all lived Braunauer Str. 61 in Berlin in 1939, today: Sonnenallee
the Loewe family papers, including a lot of interesting family documents: Loewy family papers - Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
„Paul Loewy (born Alfred Paul Loewy, 1905-1946) was born in Berlin, Germany to Hermann and Else (born Sara, née Lasker) Loewy. He had three siblings: Walter, Betty, and James. Hermann owned a factory in Berlin. In 1931, Paul married Margarete Gabriel in Berlin. They had two children, Vera (1931-) and Hans (1934-). During the war, Paul avoided deportation to a concentration camp with help from his wife, but was forced to do slave labor for a chemical factory and the Deutsche Reichsbahn. Paul died in Berlin in 1946. Vera immigrated to the United States in 1953, and Hans and Margarete immigrated in 1954. They all settled in the Washington, D.C. area. Paul’s brother James immigrated to Palestine in the 1930s. Walter fled Germany for Shanghai, China. His sister Betty married Alfred Kohn, and they had one daughter, Eva. They all perished at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Paul’s maternal aunt and uncle, Max (1881-) and Hedwig (née Grünewald, 1877-) Lasker tried to immigrate to Uruguay but were unsuccessful and were deported to Auschwitz in 1942. The Lasker’s daughter-in-law Alice (1908-) and her husband Friedrich Abt (known as Fritz, 1899-), a World War I veteran, along with Alice’s former husband Alfred Marcus (1895-) and her son Ralph Marcus (1928-) were also all deported to Auschwitz where they perished. Margarete (born Anna Margarete Gabriel, 1903-1996), who was not Jewish, was the daughter of Helene (1879-1961) and Adolf Gabriel. She had one sister, Johanna (1907-1941) who was sent to the state mental hospital center in Bernberg, Germany during the war. She perished in the hospital and was likely killed in the euthanasia center for having epilepsy“ - EHRI - Loewy family papers