[Central Location Index – Part 7] 131916074


Discussion Question

Werner OPPENHEIM #geman #jew

His father Rudolf

his father: Stolpersteine in Hamburg | Namen, Orte und Biografien suchen
Stolpersteine in Hamburg | Namen, Orte und Biografien suchen
Gedenkbuch - Gedenkbucheintrag

his mother Hedwig, née Wallach: Stolpersteine in Hamburg | Namen, Orte und Biografien suchen
MtL - Mapping the Lives
Gedenkbuch - Gedenkbucheintrag

This should be him (same address in 1939), according to the source he emigrated to Great Britain: MtL - Mapping the Lives
It seems as if he was on a children’s transport from Berlin to Southampton, arriving there in June 1939: Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database -- Werner Oppenheim