Document ID: 131909485
Document Collection: M.18 - Documentation of the Central Location Index (CLI) of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in New York
Link to Online Archive: Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution | 71410001 - M.18 - Documentation of the Central Location Index (CLI) of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in New York
her husband Mendel
Mendel Eisenkraft was born on 15 April 1895 in Vama (Romania) to Mojes Eisenkraft and Frimma Melzer. This merchant married on 28/08/1928 in Vienna (Austria) to Cilla [Clic]] Bergmann and father of one child. He is of Austrian nationality, which has been revoked because he is Jewish, and he and his family moved to Antwerp (Belgium), from where they were expelled on 10/05/1940. He asked for and obtained permission in February 1941 to see his wife in Grenada (Haute-Garonne). Mendel Eisenkraft applied for release in March 1941, but there was no reply. He made a second request for a month’s leave in December 1941, which was refused by the Prefect on 10 January 1942. His second request for release on 19/01/1941 was refused at the same time. On 27/03/1942, the Prefecture asks if the person concerned can be incorporated into a G.T.E. The head of the Noé camp answers negatively (unfit) on 13/04/1942 and reiterates the request for release for family reunification (his wife was put under house arrest at the Regional Centre of Aulus-les-Bains (Ariège) in May 1942). The request for reunification is accepted by the foreigners’ service of the Regional Prefecture of Toulouse on 27/06/1942