[Central Location Index – Part 7] 131904546


Discussion Question

#dutch #female #jew

It should be Helena de Valenca, born in Amsterdam in 1917, married to Saul de Valenca, born in Amsterdam in 1916. It was his and her second marriage, compare here: https://www.geni.com/people/Helena-Root/6000000025941183833
Saul de Valença (1916 - d.) - Genealogy
Saul Valensa

Helena’s father Joseph Root: https://www.geni.com/people/Joseph-Root/6000000021625498288
Joseph Root

her mother Betje, née HIldesheim: Betje Hildesheim (1892 - 1942) - Genealogy
Betje Root-Hildesheim
Betje Root-Hildesheim (Sliedrecht, 16 mei 1892 - Auschwitz, 8 oktober 1942) - Netwerk Oorlogsbronnen

her brother Abraham David: Abraham Simon Root (1918 - 1943) - Genealogy
Abraham Simon Root

her sister-in-law, Abraham’s wife Greta, née Piller:

Saul’s mother Rebecca Valenca/Valensa, née de Groot: Rebecca Valensa-de Groot

Saul’s father Jacob Valensa: Jacob Valensa

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