[Central Location Index – Part 7] 131900363 Siena/Sini de Leeuw


Discussion Question

Siena/Sini de LEEUW


Sieny de Leeuwe (de Leeuw) (1922 - 2013) - Genealogy (with incorrect surname)

Leeuw de, Sini

Born:02-03-1922 Winterswijk
Death:15-05-2013 Den Haag
Spouse: 08-01-1948 W’wijk: David Meibergen (04-04-1917-09-10-1997)
Spouse: 05-02-1973 W’wijk: Salomon Hond (20-07-1922-18-07-1988)
Parents: Isaak de Leeuw en Sophia de Leeuw-Spier
Survived in hiding in Usselo
Source: OudWinterswijkOverleefd - OudWinterswijk


Her parents and two sisters, Rachel and Annie (Johanna) all survived in hiding

Her sister Annie de Leeuw (Johanna Reiss) wrote a book about their life in hiding

#typo #geo [Tuunterstraat]