[Central Location Index] 131839140 - Lehmann Mendle

  • Document ID: 131839140
  • Document Collection: M.18 - Documentation of the Central Location Index (CLI) of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in New York

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Lehmann Mendle #jew #german #senior

MtL - Mapping the Lives - according to this source Lehmann Lämmle Mendle was born in Fischach / Augsburg / Bayern
Gedenkbuch - Memorial book entry
Gedenkbuch Link Intern: Gedenkbuch der Münchener Juden
Lehmann Mendle (1865 - 1942) - Genealogy

his wife Sofie/Sophie, née Wollenberger: https://yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=1275959&ind=1
MtL - Mapping the Lives
Gedenkbuch - Memorial book entry
Gedenkbuch Link Intern: Gedenkbuch der Münchener Juden
Sophie Mendle (Wollenberger) (1875 - 1942) - Genealogy

his daughter Karoline Lola, married Friedmann, born 1899: MtL - Mapping the Lives - she and her family first emigrated to Palestine, afterwards into the USA, according to the Munich memorial book
Karoline Mendle (1899 - d.) - Genealogy

his son Emanuel/Emil Mendle, born 1903, emigrated to England: Emanuel Mendle (1903 - d.) - Genealogy
MtL - Mapping the Lives