Pranas Skardžius (26 March 1899 – 18 December 1975) was a Lithuanian linguist. Together with Antanas Salys [lt], Skardžius was the first and most prominent linguist who matured in independent Lithuania.
As a student at Vytautas Magnus University, Skardžius became secretary of Jonas Jablonskis and with his help obtained a scholarship to study at Leipzig University. Upon his return to Lithuania, he lectured as a docent at Vytautas Magnus University in 1929–1939 and as a professor at Vilnius Unive...žius_1899-1975_Linguist-Famous_Lithuanians_1999-Lithuania
Thanks, Geert, this was just a test, I spent 15 Minutes to get access to the forum. I quit now, I´ll be back if this website is running normal.
Sorry, have a good time
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